Monday, July 27, 2009

oh life.

"Mind is a razor blade"

-The Knives
I wrote this in my journal a year ago...funny how cyclical life is:
"Something beautiful has taken shape in my heart.
it flies, it floats...but has no place to land.
A rhythmic hope that each breath I take is not in vain
a beat, a dance, a vibrant flow of life.
But I hold onto what keeps me down
a doubt, a is tough to break free.
I shy away because I do not want to fail
I dream, I sigh...I slowly become numb."
Life is crushing. the mind truly is a razorblade.

Friday, May 1, 2009

keep faith.

"Even when your hope is gone,
Even when you’re barely holding on,
If there’s anything that I’m sure of
I know that we were made for love.
So if you start to break,
Keep faith,
Keep faith.

When the days drag on
And you’re barely breathing,
Searching for a light...
...Keep faith
Keep faith."

- Matt Wertz

1 year. 18 days.
I do not even know what that means. I do not even know if I want to know what it means. There has been struggle. And surrender. And doubts. And more doubts. And even less clarity. I am exhausted with this journey. It hurts my heart.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

"There are things no one knows
and they beg to be exposed.
But those words never come.
to unlock the place in which they are hiding from.
I'm no saint, I've got my share of downfalls."

- Justin Branam
I love that I know brilliant song writers.
For whatever reason, these lyrics have hit a nerve with me. Everyday, when I go to work, I sit with kids, who for 40 minutes out of the day they get the chance to be vulnerable. To say whatever they want to say, free of judgement, free of pointing fingers. They are given the chance to be who they are with no apologies or pretenses. By being given that safe place, I have seen these kids grow and become more real as the weeks go on. And I love them even more for that.

And I also envy them to the fullest.

I long for the opportunity to completely be completely real to the point where I am exposed. Which is so weird for me, because I win the gold medal for the fasted exit when things become intimate. I do not trust people or let them in. I can count on one hand the number of people who I have been able to fully confide in, which to some extent is healthy because not everyone needs to up in my business...but I have to really despise the fact that if I was really honest about who I am, I would be judged and labeled. The good choices I have made are automatically outweighed by the perceived "innappropriate" choices. My choices have shaped who I am, but ultimately they do not define me. I refuse to be catalogued by the past. Because ultimately, I am who I am, and I will not apologize for that. I may be reckless and make decisions that not everyone may agree with or support, but that is my decision. And I have learned from each one that I have made, both good and bad. I love the person that I have grown into because I have learned that at the end of the day, that is what matters; not what people are telling me I should be. They do not live my life; they have no idea what I see and hear and experience on a daily basis. I have a dynamic and large life...I will not settle to appease.

I love who I am.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Breakdown pt.1

"Are you in or are you out?
leave your things behind, 'cause it's all going off without you.
Excuse me, too busy you're writing your tragedy;
these mishaps,
you bubble wrap
when you've no idea what you're like

So let go, jump in,
oh well, whatcha waiting for;
it's alright 'cause there's beauty in the breakdown.
So let go, just get in,
oh, it's so amazing here;
It's alright 'cause there's beauty in the breakdown."

-Frou Frou

Life blows my mind sometimes. I had an interesting conversation the other day about life and what we do and what we say and what we choose not to say. A little backgroud:

basically, as I dive deeper into social work, I am constantly exposed to a very ugly and broken world. Whether it be in the classroom watching videos and hearing lectures or working directly with clients, there are so many instances of victimization and people simply acting out of the brokeness in their lives. I have been starting to become very discouraged by the state of the world and how systemic so many of our world's problems are. While people are ultimately responsible for their individual reactions and behaviors, so much of it is manifesting from a bigger, environmental picture. There is no quick, bandaid fix to this. And me, being the control freak that I am, get stressed and overwhelmed at all the looming issues in the world. When I learn things and hear things firsthand, I ultimately have to do something with this knowledge because I am no longer ignorant. And as much as I long for the ignorant days when my biggest issue was what Barbie was going to wear to prom and if Ken's outfit was going to clash with her fabulous pink convertable, the reality is that I can not walk away from the information that I learn and the stories I hear. My heart is broken time and time again.

Its almost like the book "The Giver" (if you have never read it, stop reading this and get on it right now. it is amazing). Essentially, the story details how one man in this peaceful community has taken upon himself all the feelings and experiences (both good and bad) of the people in order to spare them pain. As the man gets older, he must pass these memories onto the next "receiver". As he begins to transfer everything that he has taken on himself, the new receiver begins to feel the impact and burden of carrying such load, while the "giver" feels lighter and lighter.

Sometimes that is how I visualize social work. In order for people to receive healing and relief, they unload everything onto someone else. Which is totally healthy and necessary and everyone should have a safe place in their own life that they can do this. However, what happens to the person who has just absorbed all the pain? This is not stuff you just forgot and walk away from. This is someone's personal pain that you now have heard and taken on, whether you wanted to or not. Most people would be lying if they said the could simply walk away from and forget about, I do not know, some story of child abuse or something along that vein.

So, the conversation: My friend and I (both of us work in some sort of helping profession) were discussing the implications of all of this. We both had been given some time off of work in order to recoup and attempt to stay alive in our situations, and we both were keenly aware of how our work was impacting our stress levels and ability to emotionally function. This led to examining how, on top of all that we hear, we are still trying to deal with all of our own shit and our own brokeness. But it is hard to show our weaknesses and struggles, because those who are looking to us for 'help' see us as strong and need us to be that pillar for them. It makes it challenging to be emotional responsible in my own life, because I end up internalizing WAY too much. I know this kind of sounds like a messiah complex - that it is up to me to save the world - but I really do not think that is the case. It is very hard for me to fully articulate my thoughts on this because it is something that impacts the depths of my soul. This is an intensely personal issue for me and my overly empathic heart.

There is much more to this thought process and path, but even thinking about this small portion has exhausted both my brain and heart. that is the beauty of a blog. it has a save button.