Sunday, October 5, 2008

some thoughts

sometimes I think about the weirdest things. or I encounter into the weirdest things:

I went running today and ran into Darth Vadar and his storm troopers. Just chilling on the street corner. No biggy. I guess they were just looking for the Death Star.

my cat is nuts. Her favorite spot to sit is the very tiny space of lap that is between my stomach and the keypad of my laptop. I love it so much when she plops her butt right there. Not. But then she starts purring and I get all soft and just let her stay there. Talk about killing my productivity.

I wonder what life would have been like if I had pursued acting. I would probably have better hair. I could not be on screen with hair like this. I did straighten it today and then ends just look like I held them over a bunson burner. I actually did burn my bangs the other day. I accidently dribbled toothpaste on my straightener and some how the combination of that and the intense heat fried the bangs. They are currently in the stage of permanent frizz. Ooo la la I am hot.

I bought a comforter yesterday for $4.99. Regularly $49.99. Yessss. Dutch.

I wish I had something more substantial to say. But in reality, I just want to be quippy and random. I never get to do that here. I always have to be smart. Or at least psuedo smart. I make quirky comments and just get weird looks. That nipped that in the bud pretty fast.

You know that you hav left Dutch West Michigan when you pull up the high school roster and there are only two kids in the whole school whose last name begins with "V". Seriously. It was the weirdest thing ever.